
What can we do about rising bank costs? – Interview with financial expert Péter Gergely

The government increased transaction fees, banks passed them on to us, and we end up paying the financial transaction taxes. This means that the 3,000–4,000 HUF monthly bank costs we’ve been paying will continue to rise. Can anything be done about this? If so, how? We discussed this and more with Péter Gergely, founder and […]


A man sexually molested his daughter

The General Prosecutor’s Office of Szeged proposed upholding the 14-year prison sentence in the case of the man who regularly sexually harassed his daughter from the age of 11 during their relationship.

Arrest of the 12-year-old girl who stabbed her classmate has been ordered

The Győr Magistrate’s Court ordered the arrest of the 12-year-old girl who stabbed her classmate at the Bőny elementary school on Monday morning for 30 days. “According to the prosecutor’s motion, due to the age of the suspect, the coercive measure must be carried out in a correctional institution, against which no one appealed,” said […]


Paul Auster died at the age of 77

American writer and poet Paul Auster died at the age of seventy-seven, local time on Tuesday evening. A friend of the family, Jacki Lyden, said in a statement to the press that Auster died at his home in Brooklyn, surrounded by his loved ones.

Farewell to Winter – Traditional Carnival in Hajdúszoboszló

Hajdúszoboszló bids farewell to winter in a memorable way: traditions and fun will meet in the town on March 2nd at the event entitled “Télűzes a búsókkal”.

Hungarian Linguist László Grétsy Dies at 91

László Grétsy, Hungarian linguist, teacher and one of the most important figures in Hungarian language education, died at the age of ninety-one. The news of his death was shared at a conference, where he would have been the guest of honor.